Register 15 Seats Remaining
Read with us and have great discussions about amazing books.
A traditional book club where we meet the first Wednesday night of every month. Great for people who work during the day but still want to enjoy a book club at night.
Note: Books will be distributed at the previous meeting for the next meet up. If you were unable to attend but would like a copy of the book, please ask at the Member Services desk at Queen’s Square.
If you require an accessibility accommodation for this program or event, please tell us how we can meet your needs as soon as possible so arrangements can be organized. If you require a sign language interpreter, please let us know at least two-weeks (10 working weekdays) before the program date.
If you are attending a registered program with a support person, please add your support worker as a guest when you sign up.
COST: Free
The Queen's Square location is a public library and art gallery. This location features a grand piano for music performances, multiple study and reading areas, and a large children’s department.
Be inspired at Idea Exchange in Cambridge! Connect with the public libraries and public art galleries of Cambridge. Idea Exchange supports and inspires our community with an environment of discovery for people of all ages.