No nonsense information on what resumes and cover letters are for, what they need, and how to get started writing them. If you have one already, please bring it to edit in session.
About Employment Skill Building
In association with Starling Employment Services (formerly Lutherwood), build your job searching skills with this open workshop series. Each session will provide you with information and practical tips on a different employment topic including goal setting, resumes, cover letters, interviews, and your workplace rights. Choose a session that grabs your interest or join us for the entire series. We are looking forward to seeing you and giving you a taste of what Starling's Employment Services has to offer. Come take the next step of your job search journey with us!
If you require an accessibility accommodation for this program or event, please tell us how we can meet your needs as soon as possible so arrangements can be organized. If you require a sign language interpreter, please let us know at least two-weeks (10 working weekdays) before the program date.
If you are attending a registered program with a support person, please add your support worker as a guest when you sign up.
COST: Free
AGE GROUP: | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Programs + Workshops |
TAGS: | Resume | Jobs | Interviews | Employment | Cover Letter | Careers |
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